Hi, I’m Kelsey, the voice and heart behind perspect1ve.blog. Welcome to my little corner of the internet—I’m so glad you’re here! Full disclosure: I’m learning and figuring things out as I go, but that’s part of the journey. I hope you’ll stick around and explore life through my perspect1ve!
- Where I’m From: I’m an Ohio native who isn’t planning on moving back to the gray skies (unless my nieces start building their proposal)
- Travel Pet peeves: Unloading a plane before your row and London’s airports security process
- Bucketlist Adventure: Antarctica (polar bears and penguins)
Why I Started This Blog
Who decided we should have it all figured out at 18? Whether you went to college, trade school, or jumped straight into the workforce, are you doing what you thought you wanted to at that age? I know I’m not…
Read more: About MeWhy perspect1ve?
Starting a blog is full of overwhelming advice, especially when it comes to picking a niche and choosing a name. But for me, it wasn’t just about focusing on one thing—it was about embracing growth and sharing my unique perspective on life, travel, and everything else along the way.
Read more: About Me